Thursday, May 21, 2009

Here are some pics. of rehearsal for SomeAnyOverItch.  (courtesy of Bill H.)  

We have a week until our show at Mascher (Friday, May 29th @8).  I can't wait!

I still haven't ironed out the talking stuff, but I just got back from rehearsal with Ashley, and movement-wise, it feels really chill and exciting.  Tonight we rehearse again and will have some people there to watch and act as audience members that we can be terrified by when we attempt to talk.  I keep thinking of the talking in Miguel Guitierez's work which most definitely is in some way previously written down.  It isn't usually improvised (from what I've seen), but there is something about the way stuff is said or read that seems so real and vulnerable.  Or even in John Jasperse's Misliable to Use of Persecution... the talking is very imaginative and his sensibility and gentle intelligence are so clear.

That is my ultimate goal for the talking, but I am okay with it being awkward, theatrically horrible, corny, blah blah...etc.  I would rather try something, commit to it, and have it not work, than to bull shit and cop out of doing anything that feels less than comfortable.  I also liked the writing on stage and reading stuff that Jen Nugent and Paul Matteson did at the Mascher show last month.  That was weird, but good- weird cause I could appreciate the fact that they were trying to get at something, and they almost seemed to acknowledge that they hadn't completely found an effective way to get at it.  I feel like a lot of choreographers are wanna-be poets (I totally am) but they realize that poetry is hard.  really freakin hard.  It feels nice to string words together and make images and linguistic choices, but when it comes to editing and honing in on making an actual poem, I am always like, "Uh...that was nice while it lasted, but lets just dance. k?". (well, not "jUST dance", but you get my point) 

So with all that said, I think it will be interesting trying the stuff I have in mind at tonight's rehearsal.  Some talking inspirations/images that come up are: awfully awkward artist talk-back sessions, the language used by a yoga teacher or meditation leader, gumbley-gook artsy bullshit talk over wine on first friday, a professor to his freshman seminar class, Becket's Waiting for Godot, Albee's The Goat, The Sasha Baron Cohen Bruno interview of the fashion show people and of the psychic.  

Well, its gorgeous out!  I am going out to play.