I love how I always start out my blogs talking about how I haven't blogged. It is kind of like when I used to go to confession at C.C.D. "Father forgive me, for it has been ______ since I have last blogged." I kinda stare through that weird shade/screen thing - my eyes level with the shadowy potbelly of the priest on the other side. I think of how he probably just gorged himself with meatballs and spaghetti but mostly meatballs. And I wonder if he has ever had the urge to fart or belch in that tiny dark booth and how bad it must smell, and I wonder if I should confess to him the these comic book-type images. But before I can get that out, he gives me my penance. "Say three Hail Mary's, two Our Father, and for Christ's sake, I check your blog daily and it's really been a let-down. The writing...when you actually do write, it all tries to hard...it kind of hears itself, comments on itself...and for Christ's sake if you use one more ellipsis, I think I'll scream."
I am not sure whether to say "Amen" or "Thank you Father", so I just leave the confessional quietly hoping to leave him wondering if his comment caused me to: faint, disintegrate, or will myself dead and straight to Hell.
So this blog was supposed to be about a performance art piece with a bike that I am thinking about, BUT I guess I got off on a tangent. So the next blog will be about the bike piece.