Tuesday, August 18, 2009

yearning to bitch/remembering to blog

I haven't blogged for a while. I'd love to get my ideas and ramblings on my fringe piece up in some kind of cohesive manner, but for right now, the ideal place for them is in a notebook, on a napkin, and other lovely places. I just picture myself, at some point in my life, at some European airport. Hey, if dreaming big is allowed, perhaps I'd be coming back from some kind of choreography residency in Berlin. And then, because I always attract crunchy hippies (not that there is anything wrong with crunchy hippies (I've eaten my share of granola and gone braless more than once)), I'd be at customs chatting with a few Bob Marley look-alikes about rebirth and Art. The person at customs would be suspicious of us all and before I'd know it, I'd be in some shady backroom being strip-searched by some large German woman and feeling her awkwardly strong German fingers searching in wrong places for a ziplock baggie of weed or two. She'd be shit out of luck, but out of my cavities she would retrieve pieces of crumpled paper with lots of choreography notes scribbled on them. She would be the one feeling "high" as she stood there like some surreal version of a magician pulling programs, blank pieces of printer paper, tissues, napkins, and receipts all graffiti-ed with my sloppily jotted thoughts on dance, life, and art out of my body.

That is a nasty exaggeration of my disorganization and abstract means of brainstorming, so please know that I do not actually stash dance notes up my ass!!!!

Well, Philly, as much as I love you...as much as I can't think of any other city I'd rather live in... here are some things that I'd like to bitch about:
  1. As of August 16th, you drained the public pool on 18th and Catharine of its water and closed it down for Fall. Last time I checked, the rest of August/hottest part of the Summer was still yet to come.
  2. Washington Ave. (my main means of biking to and from work every day) and Delaware Ave (my main means of biking to and from Mascher Space Co-op.) both have bike lanes the whole way!!! That would be lovely...except bike lane does not = place to sweep all of the road's and sidewalk's glass, trash, and other dangerous objects! You know those red bins at hospitals and doctors offices for sharp objects' disposal? I feel like city workers or fairies or trolls of Brotherly Love must go out at night and sprinkle the contents of those bins in the bike lanes.
  3. Speaking of bikes, my friend Christine's beautiful new custom bike got stolen. They literally sawed the pole to steal it. That's something to bitch about!
  4. The guidelines for the Philadelphia Cultural Fund Grant (the grant that PHA applied for and recieved last year) are not even posted on the website because the whole thing is in limbo due to the city's decisions about Budget cuts and funding. The deadline is Sept. 25th (probably), and I just got off the phone with the secretary at Senator Dominick Pillegi's (spelling???) office. The well trained voice of complacency softly told me that she would pass along my message of concern to the senator. I mean what else could she say? BUT STILL...its frustrating.
Well good, I've successfully set up a climax of negativity. The weird thing is...I am in a great mood today. No honestly I have an awesome rehearsal, free snacks (maybe?) at a grant meeting, a night off,and a homemade dinner with Paul and friends to look forward to on this sunny day. More thoughts on TENSE MAG to come...in case you thought I forgot about it/gave up!

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